Getting ready for the 2019-2020 Fishing season.

With the new season about to start on October 1st 2019 here in NZ, I thought it would be a good opportunity to write about what I do to prepare my “gear” for the season. Starting with footwear this is where I check the security of the “studs” in the sole of my wading boots. I’m looking for wear and tightness, replacing those studs that are past it and replacing laces if damaged. Next is my waders. I check the seams and clips making sure all are leak proof and not broken. I then fill the waders with water (to the waist line) from the hose as they hang from the clothes line and inspect them for leaks. If I find any I will tip out the water, turn the waders inside out (allow to dry) and using alcohol (from the chemist) on a cotton ball I wipe the alcohol along the inside of the waders in the area where the leak showed up. Normally a small black spot will appear where the hole is, then it is a simple matter of applying a patch. The Vest is next. I go through each pocket checking the fly boxes and refilling with the flies we use mainly in the South. Line clippers and the piece of Amadou for drying flies and cleaning the Polaroid glasses are checked. Next is the hook remover and making sure the indicator material is all there and The Strike Indicator Tool (Brilliant piece of kit). Floatant and spare tippet/leader material ,finger-less gloves and neck buff and a good sun hat are there . The net is then checked for any damage and lastly and very important the current seasons fishing license. A digital copy is also kept on my phone. The back pack contents are checked and these consist of camera (and spare battery),medical kit, wind proof jacket and sunscreen, PLB (personal locator beacon) and headlight (plus spare batteries). Enough food and water for the day plus some spare food (24-hrs worth in case of emergency) This is just how I do it, you of course will have your own way and personal items but now is the time to start getting it all ready as time on the water is short and precious in our busy lives.